Although the various departments of Concordia University Chicago are amazing and generous in their expert support of the Center and even though the various workers of the Center are all volunteers, some of the activities do have out-of-pocket costs.

Significant gifts from the Founders Group got the ball rolling and many other contributions have helped sustain the momentum and expansion of the Center and its activities.

Now you can join the song, encourage and train the next generation of Lutheran church musicians and worship leaders, and extend the legacy of the Church’s extraordinary musical heritage.

Be a section leader by becoming a member of the “Founders Group” ($25,000+ gift or pledge)

  • Ensure the future of the Center—secure and increase the current momentum
  • Receive recognition at the Center, on its letterhead, and the homepage of the Center’s website
  • Receive all publications (print and electronic) in perpetuity.

Add your strong voice by showing your support. Gifts of any size are welcome.

What gifts make possible

  • Print publications - roughly $2500 each
  • Digital initiative/hymnal collection- $400 per hymnal (covers scanning and coding)
  • Scanning of original manuscripts - $250 covers 500 manuscript pages
  • Resources for the Center - $25 and above
  • Hillert Award in Composition - Awards are given in $500 increments. Any gift helps!
  • Schalk Scholars - Stipends are provided in $1000 increments. Any gift helps!
  • Manz hymn festival recordings - Transfer to digital, searchable format
  • Director travel costs - Roughly $450 a month; directing activities and promoting
  • New and exciting projects on the horizon

How to give

  • Click the button to make an online gift
  • Indicate the gift amount
  • Click on “If other….” Drop down menu
  • Click on “Center for Church Music” and fill out rest of information

Make a Gift Today

For more information

Contact Barry L. Bobb at or call 317-569-6784.