
  • PhD - University of Wisconsin; Madison, WI
  • MAT in English - University of Chicago; Chicago, IL
  • BA - University of Illinois; Champaign-Urbana, IL

Academic and Professional Highlights


  • University of Wisconsin-Madison, Honorary Fellow, 2011-2012
  • Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata," Visiting Scholar, 2007-2008
  • Vilas Travel Fellowship Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison - 2007
  • FLAS Summer Fellowship: Advanced Study of Italian in Rome - 2005
  • Spencer Fellow - University of Wisconsin-Madison - 2003-2005
  • University of Chicago, Tuition Scholarship, 1995
  • University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, James Scholar Award, 1993


  • Kowalczyk, J. A., (Guest Editor). (2018). Introduction to Special Issue: Schools, risk and integration: Responding to the EU/refugee crisis. European Education 50 (1).

  • Sobe, N. W. & Kowalczyk, J. A. (2018). Context, entanglement, and assemblage as matters of concern in comparative education research. World Yearbook of Education 2018 (pp. 197-204). Routledge Press.

  • Kowalczyk, J. A. (2016). Homo pontem: Teachers as bridges to a multicultural Italy. Paedagogica Historica, LII (V), 438-452.

  • Kowalczyk, J. A. (2015). Transgression as democratic convivenza: An analysis of Italian school policy and the discourse of integration. In T. S. Popkewitz (Ed.) The "reason" of schooling. Historicizing curriculum studies, pedagogy, and teacher education (pp. 169-183). Routledge Press.

  • Kowalczyk, J. A. (2014). Nationalizing interculturalism: Italian cosmopolitanism and intercultural school policies to integrate immigrant students. In M. A. Pereyra & B. F. Franklin, (Eds.), Systems of reason and the politics of schooling: Alternative studies on school reforms and sciences of education in the tradition of Thomas S. Popkewitz (pp. 277-298). Routledge Press.

  • Sobe, N. W. & Kowalczyk, J. A. (2013). Exploding the cube: Revisioning "context" in the field of comparative education. Current Issues in Comparative Education, 17 (1), 6-12.

  • Kowalczyk, J. A. (2013). Transgression et "convivenza" d'mocratique: Une analyse de la politique italienne en mati're de scolarit' et de discours d'int'gration. Education et Soci't's , 31 (2013/1), 51-64. Translated and published by the French Institute of Education.

  • Sobe, N. W. & Kowalczyk, J. A. (2012). The problem of context in comparative education research. ECPS: Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (6) December 2012: Special Issues on Educational Research: Essays on Procedures, Methods, Instruments, Part I. ( )

  • Kowalczyk, J. A. (2011). And the 'right to remain silent' Intercultural dialogue, universalism and exceptionalism within the European and international discourses. In J. Kusch (Ed.), Knowledge difference and identity in the time of globalisation: Essays on institutional discourse and policy . Cambridge Scholars Press.

  • Kowalczyk, J. A. (2010). "The immigration problem" and European education reforms: From the education of migrants' children to intercultural education. European Education: Issues and Studies, 42 (4), 5-24.