Liesl Cottrel’s goal as library director is to be persistent, patient and passionate: persistent about promoting CUC’s resources and making new library connections with other departments; patient about understanding students’ research and material needs; passionate about libraries and the services they provide. If she doesn’t have the answer, she is committed to finding it for you.


  • Cottrell, L., & Bell, E. (2019). Redesigning the Resurrection University Library. ACRL: College Library Section Newsletter, 35(2), 5-6. Retrieved from


  • "Holding it Together" Presented at 2021 IACRL Spring Town Hall: One Year Later

  • "If you Build it, They will Come: Design your Library like a Bookstore." Presented at 2019 HSLI Conference

  • "Little Things for Nursing Students." Presented at the 2019 ILA Conference

  • 'What to do When a Fire Extinguisher Explodes in Your Library." Presented at 2018 HSLI Conference

  • "To write, right? That is the scholarly question." Abstract presented at 29th International Nursing Research Congress in Melbourne, Australia in 2018. Coauthored with: Dr. Melissa Murphey, DNP, Dr. Reem Azhari, PhD, Dr. Juli Daniels, PhD, and Elizabeth Bertch, MFA

  • "Proactive Outreach Program: Partnering for Student Success" Presented at 2016 IACRL Conference