Concordia University Chicago is proud to announce its recognition as a 2024-2025 College of Distinction, an honor that highlights its unwavering commitment to providing an exceptional undergraduate education. The award reflects CUC’s dedication to fostering hands-on learning, strong student-faculty relationships, an active campus community and stellar student outcomes. The University was named a Christian College of Distinction, Illinois College of Distinction, Affordable College of Distinction, College of Distinction–Business and College of Distinction–Education.cuc_college_of_distinction_badge.png

The Colleges of Distinction selection process comprises a sequence of in-depth research and detailed interviews with colleges and universities, accepting only those that adhere to their “Four Distinctions”: engaged students, great teaching, vibrant community and successful outcomes. These principles prioritize the ways that institutions enable students to have a fulfilling, individualized college experience both inside and outside of the classroom.

“Every year since 2010, Colleges of Distinction has recognized Concordia-Chicago for its commitment to helping undergraduates learn, grow and succeed,” says Eric Matanyi, associate vice president for communications and marketing at Concordia University Chicago. “A faith-based education from CUC uniquely prepares graduates to stand tall as they connect their values to their vocations in service to the world.”

To be listed among the Colleges of Distinction, Concordia-Chicago demonstrated its unique ways of helping students be active in their education. “A college degree opens the door to many opportunities,” says Tyson Schritter, chief operating officer at Colleges of Distinction. “But a truly worthwhile education prepares students to thrive once they walk through that door. Concordia University Chicago’s curriculum encourages meaningful student-faculty collaboration through experiential learning that is relevant and applicable to the real world.”

“We’ve never ranked our schools,” says Schritter. “No student is alike, so there can’t be a number-one school for everyone. We are much more focused on the innovative ways that colleges are offering their own brand of a truly rich undergraduate education.”

To view Concordia-Chicago’s profile or to find more information about the innovative learning experiences offered at CUC, visit