Dr. Konkol teaches classes about the social, historical and philosophical foundations of education, qualitative research methodology, preservice and professional teacher education. Her research interests include the philosophical foundations of educational practice and the social context of education.

She also studies the theoretical and practical implications of educational policy for students, communities and schools. She is very involved in the educational and professional development of teachers and the improvement of their educational practices. Dr. Konkol joined Concordia-Chicago’s faculty in 2006.


  • PhD, Policy Studies in Urban Education: Social Foundations of Education - University of Illinois at Chicago; Chicago, IL

  • MEd, Curriculum and Instruction - University of Illinois at Chicago; Chicago, IL

  • BS, Communication and Cultural Studies, Women’s Studies - Northwestern University; Evanston, IL

Academic and Professional Highlights


  • American Educational Studies Association, Executive Officer
  • Society of Professors of Education, Executive Board
  • American Educational Studies Association, Program Officer
  • Council for Social Foundations of Education, Committee on Academic Standards and Accreditation
  • American Educational Research Association
  • National Society for the Study of Education
  • Philosophy for Education Society
  • Society for the Philosophical Study of Education
  • John Dewey Society


  • Hinchey, P. and Konkol, P. (2018).  Getting to Where We Meant to Be: Working Toward the Educational Worlds We Imagine/d.  Myers Educational Publishing.
    2019, Society of Professors of Education Outstanding Book Award
    2018, American Educational Studies Association Critic’s Choice Book Award

  • Job, J., Kempf, A., Konkol, P. J., Lopez, L., and Nuñez, I. (2017). Provoking Dialogues: Worth Striking For.  Journal of Curriculum Theorizing. Invited.

  • Konkol, P. J., (with Stumme, S. M., and Nuñez, I.)  (2016). Who says we can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear?: Transforming Market Based Programs into Critical Education. In Hinchey, P. (Ed.) The Action Research Reader. New York, NY: Peter Lang.


  • Konkol, P. J. and Wu, J. (2015). The Policy Milieu. In M. F. He, B. D. Schultz, & W. H. Schubert (Eds.), The SAGE Guide to Curriculum in Education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

  • Nuñez, I., Michie, G., & Konkol, P.  (2015).  Worth striking for: Why education policy is every teacher’s concern.  New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
    2016, Society of Professors of Education Outstanding Book Award

  • Nuñez, I., Konkol, P., & Schultz, B.  (2014).  3,417 footnotes: Troubling the public pedagogy of CReATE.  In J. Burdick, J. A. Sandlin, & M. P. O’Malley (Eds.), Problematizing public pedagogy.  New York, NY: Routledge.

  • Committee on Academic Standards and Accreditation: Tutwiler, S. W. (Chair), deMarrais, K.,  Gabbard, D., Hyde, A., Konkol, P. J., Li, H., Medina, Y., Rayle, J., & Swain, A. (2013): Standards for Academic and Professional Instruction in Foundations of Education, Educational Studies, and Educational Policy Studies Third Edition, 2012, Draft Presented to the Educational Community by the American Educational Studies Association's Committee on Academic Standards and Accreditation, Educational Studies, 49(2), 107-118. Invited.

  • Konkol, P. J. and Nuñez, I.  (2013).  Action foundations: A comic (book) tale of defending Educational Studies.  Critical Questions in Education (Theme issue: In Defense of Foundations). Invited.

  • Konkol, P. J. (2005). In the context of multicultural/pluralistic issues, what should school administrators be asking themselves about standards and testing? In R.C. Morris, (Ed.). Curriculum Professors Debate Multicultural/Pluralistic Issues in Standards Based Curriculum. Orlando, FL:  Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development.

  • Smylie, M. A., Bennett, A., Konkol, P. J., & Fendt, C. R. (2005).  Developing school leaders:  A research review and directions for future inquiry.  In Riehl, C. and Firestone, W. (Eds). A New Agenda: Directions for Research on Educational Leadership.  New York, NY: Teachers College Press.


  • Renn, P., Engel, T. and Konkol, P. J. (2019). Nurturing Idiocy: The Curious Case of Prager University. Baltimore, MD: American Educational Studies Association.

  • Happel-Parkins, A., Heybach, J., Konkol, P. J., Luppinaci, J. (2019). Resisting the EdD/PhD Octopus in Education: Thinking with Cautionary Tales and Mythical Monsters in Anxious Times. Panel. Toronto, ON: Society of Professors of Education Annual Meeting.

  • Konkol, P. J. and Renn, P. (2018). Be Wary the Wendigo: A Cautionary Tale of Doctoral Education and Ethical Practice. In Heybach, J. (Chair) Dare Faculty Reclaim Doctoral Education: Between Buzzwords, Bullshit, and the Mythical Powers of the Doctorate. Greenville, SC: American Educational Studies Association.

  • Renn, P. and Konkol, P. J. (2018). Through a Glass Darkly: A Portraiture of Teachers? Nostalgic Understanding of the Profession. New York, NY: American Educational Research Association.

  • Laird, S., Corpening, B., and Fraser-Burgess, S. (2018). School-Talk in Philosophy of Education: Rethinking Education as Cultural Formation? Chicago, IL: Philosophy of Education Society.

  • Konkol, P. J. and Militz-Frielink, S. (2017). An Inconvenient Truth: When Philosophy Goes Online in Graduate Teacher Education. San Antonio, TX: American Educational Research Association.

  • Konkol, P. J. and Wickland, T. R. (2017).  “In Loco Parentis” and Best and Wisest?” Teacher Conflict in the Era of Accountability.  San Antonio, TX: American Educational Research Association.

  • Konkol, P. J. (2016). “Changing the world is as hard as it is possible:” Lessons from Freire toward teaching for transformation. Mayaguez, PR: Keynote address at the Puerto Rico TESOL Annual Conference.

  • Macedo, D., Hinchey, P. and Konkol, P. J.  (2016).  Where do we go from here? Putting theory into action in our practice. Invited session.  Mayaguez, PR: Puerto Rico TESOL Annual Conference.

  • Schubert, W.  H., Miller, J. L., Leonard, J. T., and Konkol, P. J. (2016).  The 40th Anniversary of the 1976 Milwaukee Curriculum Theory Conference: Key and Contemporary Themes from the Keynote Addresses and Discussions.  Dayton, OH: Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice.