Academic and Professional Highlights
Prior Positions
- University of Akron, Adjunct Professor
Areas of Research/Expertise
- Aging and neurological disorders that limit movement and recovery
- Exercise and effect on neurological rehabilitation
- Physical responses to physiological stress
- Muscular response and recovery
- Health, nutrition and obesity
Appointments and Certifications
- American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Certified Exercise Physiologist
- ACSM Exercise is Medicine certification
- ACSM Health & Fitness Journal - Editorial board member & manuscript reviewer
- CUC Health & Wellness committee member
- Teaching, Learning & Technology Council member representing the College of Health, Sciences & Technology
- Faculty Senate member
- Faculty Senate taskforce meeting on mission and identity
- Program lead Exercise Physiology concentration accreditation
- University Institutional Review Board member
- Sciences and Technology, Faculty Senate member
- University Health & Wellness committee member