Our era has witnessed an almost unprecedented burst of creativity in music and the arts for the Church.

The Center for Church Music is a place where you can tap into that great flow of energy (either on site or online) in order to:

  • get new ideas for music and other arts ministries in their various forms
  • gain a perspective on the music and art of the Church
  • take time for reflection
  • connect with the larger endeavor of Lutheran church music and the arts
  • be inspired by some remarkable leaders and thinkers in our midst
  • be energized for music and Gospel-based arts ministry
  • satisfy curiosity

From the Director

“Caring for the Catalysts”

Caring for Catalysts Aug 15

St. Mary, Mother of Our Lord (August 15)


“Caring for the Catalysts”


“Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” (Philippians 2:4)

Planning, planning, planning! Especially at this time of year, it seems to absorb so much of our time. Of course, that’s because it flows from our caring, caring, caring.

In our music ministry there are so many to focus on daily----the folks in the pew, our music volunteers in the balcony, soloists and other leaders, colleagues---the list goes on and on!

I’d like to offer a word on behalf of the catalysts---those people who, often behind the scenes,  are quiet cheerleaders, guides, advocates. They propel our ministry, sustaining its momentum.  They can be in the back row of an ensemble, whispering encouragement or lay members who speak a good word on our behalf with others. They can be staff members (often pastors) who defend and advocate for our work because of all the benefits that it brings to parish life and the community. They constantly look for the good and lift that up. This year, if you can, find those little moments to say a word to them: “I know what you’re doing. Thanks!”

What a blessing these people are to our lives and ministry!

What a blessing it is to be a part of a vocation centered in human care!

Rich blessings to you as you embark on another season of grace received, of healing and hope bestowed…

Barry L. Bobb

Director, Center for Church Music

[By the way, if you haven’t already, be sure to check out Phillip Magness’s new book Church Music and the Care of Souls. (Lexham Press, 2023) Highly recommended!]

Five Aspects of the Center for Church Music

Read about the five main aspects of the Center that shapes what we do and how we serve.

Resource Room

  • Books, magazines, recordings, the Schalk American Lutheran Hymnal Collection (541 volumes) and the ever-expanding archives of the original manuscripts of great American Lutheran composers & hymn writers.
  • Liturgical Choir Music Library

Digital Initiative

  • All of the volumes in the hymnal collection can be perused online at www.hymnary.org or from this website. See "Hymnal Collection Index."
  • Many of the original manuscripts are accessible online at the Center’s website (including Manz, Schalk, Hillert, Pelz, Thoms, Busarow, Bouman and others...) See "Composer Manuscript Indices".


  • Devotions, interviews, profiles, essays, forums, ideas, an arts registry

Print publications

  • Books and monographs in the Shaping American Lutheran Church Music series available through Amazon and Fortress Press

Encouragement of the next generation

  • Hillert Award in Student Composition---open to any undergrad or graduate student at a Lutheran university or seminary in the United States
  • Schalk Scholars
    • Creates awareness and access to current research in the areas of music and the arts
    • Provides stipends for research as well as publication and venues for presentations for these emerging scholars
    • Arts Registry
    • Contact information and samples from composers, visual artists, writers, designers, media artists.

Schalk Scholar Program

The Schalk Scholar program seeks to identify and support up and coming scholars in the area of church music. 

Learn More

Get Involved

Commit Yourself

Share your time, talents and gifts by becoming involved with the Center for Church Music. Contact the director, Barry Bobb to learn more about the different opportunities available. 

Visit the Center

Visit the Center for Church Music located in the Klinck Memorial Library on Concordia University Chicago's Campus. 

Contact Center Director Barry Bobb or call 314-258-2341 to make arrangements.