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May, 02

Domestic Students

Summer 2025 Completed Application Due | Classes Start May 5, 2025

Concordia University Chicago's Reading Specialist Subsequent Endorsement in Reading Education (ADD) program provides a theoretical and practical framework for literacy instruction and assessment within an emphasis on current research. The program also provides candidates the opportunity to receive a rigorous, high quality educational program that encourages the development of skills and competencies that will be needed throughout the candidates’ professional career as a reading specialist or literacy coach.

Credentialing Requirements

Concordia University Chicago’s Master of Arts in reading education program provides a theoretical and practical framework for literacy instruction and assessment within an emphasis on current research. The program also provides candidates the opportunity to receive a rigorous, high quality educational program that encourages the development of skills and competencies that will be needed throughout the candidates’ professional career as a reading specialist or literacy coach.

Upon successful completion of the required courses and the Illinois 221 Reading Specialist Test, candidates are eligible for the *Illinois Reading Specialist credential, enabling them to work in a reading professional role in early childhood, elementary, middle, and/or secondary Illinois school settings.

*The Illinois Reading Specialist credential requires Illinois licensure (PEL). Students with out-of-state licensure are welcome to enroll in the Reading Education program, but are not eligible for the Illinois Reading Specialist credential. Questions regarding reciprocity by state should be directed toward the student’s state of licensure, or (Illinois State Board of Education).

Program Requirements

To be eligible for the Illinois Reading Specialist credential, candidates must meet the following requirements:

  • Hold a valid Illinois PEL prior to entering program
  • Complete the Master of Arts in Reading coursework
  • Pass all State of Illinois examinations
  • Have successfully completed two years of lead teaching experience

Core Courses (30 hours)

  • EDU-6200 Beginning Reading Instruction
  • EDU 6205 Foundations of Reading and Language Theory
  • EDU-6212 Studies in Literacy and Multiliteracies
  • EDU-6230 Content Reading: Middle and Secondary Schools
  • EDU-6291 Roles, Relationship and Ethics of the Reading Professional
  • EDU 6300 Research in Children's Literature
  • EDU 6234 Assessment of Reading with Remedial Materials and Resources (6 hours, 16 weeks)
  • EDU 6298 Reading Practicum Using Developmental Instruction and Support (6 hours, 16 weeks)

Master's Capstone Experience

A master's capstone is a requirement for the Master of Arts in Reading. A capstone is a summary of work that demonstrates growth toward, and understanding of, professional standards. The capstone provides an opportunity performance-based evaluation and promotes reflective practice. It also demonstrates the professional’s competence in using technology and ability to interpret theory into practice. All work required for the capstone is embedded in coursework and practical experience throughout the program.

Program Information

Core Courses (30 hours)

Beginning Reading Instruction (3 hours)

This course examines the factors involved in the beginning literacy processes. The focus is on current theory and research relating to issues in literacy in grades K-3. Candidates will administer and interpret appropriate assessments and plan effective intervention lesson(s) for students who struggle in reading. Field Experience Hours: 7 hours. Field Setting: Public educational setting for classroom observation and work with K-1 student required.

Foundations of Language and Reading Theory (3 hours)

This course will deepen understanding of reading research and language acquisition factors that influence the reading and writing processes. Candidates will also explore historical influences on literacy research and practice, examining literature in sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, educational learning theory, and literacy research. Field experience hours: None. Field Setting: None.

Studies in Literacy and Multiliteracies (3 hours)

Examines the correlates of effective literacy instruction. Emphasis on application of current theory and research in literacy and multiliteracies as they apply to P-12 classrooms. Field experience hours: 1. Field setting: School, library or other location where a short lesson can be taught.

Content Reading: Middle and Secondary Schools (3 hours)

This graduate reading course emphasizes the development of competence as a literacy coach/leader in a middle or secondary setting. Integrity is fostered through attention to the diversity of learners in their various educational settings. Leadership and collaborative relationships are fostered through various experiences with middle and secondary content area teachers, cohort peers, and literacy professionals. Candidates are expected to participate in field experiences outside of course online or class hours, which include conducting interviews with teachers, teaching a lesson, and conferencing with teachers. Field Experience Hours: 5 hours. Field Setting: Candidate arranged work with middle/secondary teacher required.

Assessment of Reading with Remedial Materials and Resources (6 hours)

This is a graduate-level course series which explores the causes and types of reading difficulties, procedures for assessing the struggling reader, and experiences in administering and interpreting standardized and informal tests. The course also attends to current research relating to common reading problems and their correction. Field Experience Hours: 15 hours. Field Setting: Public educational setting and work with primary and intermediate/upper students required.

Roles, Relationships, and Ethics of the Reading Professional (3 hours)

In this course, the role of the reading professional in program development, implementation, supervision and assessment is explored from an ethical perspective. Adult learning theory, professional development and program evaluation are also investigated. Field Experience Hours: 10 hours. Field Setting: Candidates arrange to work with teacher and need access to school data and resources.

Reading Practicum Using Developmental Instruction and Support (6 hours)

This course emphasizes the application of assessment and remedial techniques in a supervised, clinical situation for K‐12 levels. It is the culminating experience for implementing data‐driven instruction and the reporting of student progress. The MA-Reading Program capstone is embedded in this course. Field Experience: 20 hours. Field Setting: Candidate‐arranged or course‐embedded work with elementary and intermediate/secondary students. Prerequisite: B or higher in EDU-6234 or permission of department chair.

Research in Children’s Literature (3 hours)

This course critically examines issues and trends in children's literature, including using it as a basis for the promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity. Candidates learn action research principles and apply them in conducting an in-depth study of research highlighting implications for instruction. Field experience hours: None. Field Setting: None.

Capstone Experience

Embedded in clinical experience.

Admission Counselor

Connect with your admission counselor.