Study Format
- Online
- On Campus
Program Length
- 18 Credit Hours
Application Deadlines
Domestic Students
Summer 2025 Completed Application Due | Classes Start May 5, 2025
Early Childhood Education Subsequent Endorsement is based on the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s (NAEYC) Advanced Standards and the test framework for the Illinois Early Childhood Content Test. This program is designed to help prepare Illinois educators to meet the course requirements needed for the Illinois Early Childhood Subsequent Endorsement. This program will enable candidates to:
- Strengthen theoretical understandings of early childhood education and increase knowledge of child development, with emphasis on the young child from birth through age eight.
- Increase awareness of partnerships with children’s families and communities.
- Understand child observation, documentation and other forms of assessment that are central to the practice of all early childhood education.
- Strengthen understanding and use of a wide array of developmentally appropriate approaches, instructional strategies and tools to connect with children and families and positively influence each child’s development and learning.
- Increase knowledge of academic disciplines to design, implement and evaluate experiences that promote positive development and learning for each and every young child.
- Participate in a variety of field experiences to develop knowledge, skills and professional dispositions necessary to promote the development and learning of young children across the entire developmental period of early childhood education.
Program Information
ECE-6320: Child Development and Ethics in Early Childhood Education (3 hours)
This course examines child development and ethics of current theory and practice in early childhood education. Critical examination of a variety of current models is included. Issues of mainstreaming, inclusion, and cultural pluralism as they relate to the education of children from birth through grade three are also incorporated. Field work included.
ECE-6100: Early Childhood Curriculum and Content, Ages 3-5 (3 hours)
Programs, standards, materials, resources for early childhood curriculum. Understanding of issues, trends, and current practices related to foundations of developmentally appropriate practices in various models and programs. Experiences in curriculum design, development, implementation, adult-child relationships and evaluation. Field Experience: Required.
ECE-6105: Observation and Assessment (3 hours)
Methods of observation, documentation and other assessment strategies are studied as a way to assess children’s growth and the development of knowledge and skills. Current classroom practices and learning environments are explored to identify changes that benefit children, their families, and communication between program and home. Field Experience: 10 hours.
ECE-6115: Infant and Toddler Curriculum (3 hours)
Programs for infants and toddlers in centers, homes and agencies. Issues related to program provision for all children in a pluralistic society. An overview of early intervention services and issues. Field Experience: Required.
ECE-6160: Child, Family and Multicultural Community (3 hours)
Processes, research, skills, and in-depth knowledge about families and multicultural communities needed to develop reciprocal relationships with families in centers, home child care, schools, districts, and communities. Demonstration of cultural competence in multicultural settings and effective communication and collaboration involving families and communities in children’s development and learning are included. Field Experience: 10 hours.
ECE-6180: Trends and Methods in ECE in Literacy (3 hours)
Trends and methods in early literacy will be examined that include factors involved in the beginning literacy processes. The focus is on current theory and research relating to issues in literacy birth to grade 2. Candidates are introduced to administering and interpreting literacy assessments and planning effective intervention lesson(s) for early readers. Field Experience: 10 hours.
Passage of the Illinois Early Childhood Education Content Test 206 required. Students should seek entitlement through the Office of the Registrar.