Study Format

  • Online
  • On Campus

Program Length

  • 30 Credit Hours
  • 24 Months

Application Deadlines

May, 02

Domestic Students

Summer 2025 Application Due | Classes Start May 5, 2025

Mar, 12

International Students

Summer 2025 Completed File Due | Classes Start May 5, 2025

The master of arts in teacher leadership program at Concordia University Chicago is designed for those classroom teachers who are interested in increasing their job responsibilities and assuming leadership roles within their schools and districts. This degree is designed for active teachers who are not interested in becoming a principal. Rather, graduate candidates aim for leadership roles in a variety of capacities, such as department chairs, instructional coaches, curriculum coordinators, mentor teachers and community liaisons, in addition to other leadership positions.

Program Objectives and Competencies

Concordia-Chicago’s master of arts in teacher leader will enable graduate candidates to:

  • Develop a leadership style to fit diverse populations, situations, and settings.
  • Gain knowledge of leadership frameworks and models of shared governance and to understand and use teacher evaluation models.
  • Become skilled in building and leading effective teams; including team formation, dynamics, management and growth.
  • Become a self-assured and effective instructional coach, taking a mentoring/teaming approach in improvement of classroom instruction.
  • Improve instruction through multiple uses of building and district student data, research-based instructional models, and collaboration with colleagues.
  • Understand diverse learners (including students with IEP, ELL, underrepresented and at-risk, including the IL Social and Emotional Learning Standards.
  • Serve as a facilitator of change within a school system and engage in planning and management of tasks to support change and implement initiatives.
  • Work with families, colleagues, building/district leadership, and the larger school community for increased student performance.


The MA in Teacher Leadership includes endorsement from the State of Illinois. 

Program Information

Supervision and Improvement of Instruction

An examination and application of various supervisory theories and practices with emphasis on improvement of instructional pedagogy and the development of professional growth plans to improve teacher performance.

School Evaluation and Change Process

The examination and assessment of school instructional programs utilizing the application of change processes and intervention leading to school improvement.

Curriculum and Assesment: Frameworks for Student Learning

The analysis of curriculum frameworks aligned to state and national standards and assessment processes leading to school improvement. It will prepare the instructional leader to develop the knowledge and skills related to curriculum and assessment at the building level.

Instructional Coaching and Mentoring

In this course students will investigate coaching models and principles of teacher mentorship. This course will examine the critical role the teacher leader has in improvement of instruction and in the professional development of faculty.

Providing Instructional Support

A study of adaptive challenges, analyzing the factors influencing student achievement, understanding the factors that impact school reform initiatives, decision making that enhances student learning and school success, rigor, relevance, and relationships in the school environment and a review of standards-based education.

Building Collaborative Relationships

This course explores leadership theory and strategies that promote and overcome barriers to collaborative practice within a learning organization. The focus will be on building collegial teams that focus on student achievement and school improvement.

Leading School-Based Professional Learning Communities

An examination of models of professional development and professional learning communities, research and theory of PLC’s, building PLC teams and collaborative cultures. Managing conflict and resistance in PLCs and professional development and systems and structures that support PLC's building-wide.

Research in Education

The understanding of educational research as a tool for teacher leaders. Emphasis is placed on interpretation of research and the development of basic research skills.

School, Parents and Community Partnerships

The examination of the processes needed to create and maintain positive school and community partnerships focused on student success and creating positive school climates and culture.

Capstone Experience

Illinois Teacher Leader Practicum (16 weeks)

A clinical experience offering a variety of site-based hands-on experiences in teacher leadership in an authentic school setting. Completion of a standards-based instructional improvement project is expected.

Seminar in Higher Education (EDU 6015)

In addition to the base program curriculum, international students attending face-to-face classes on the CUC campus are required to take the Seminar in Higher Education, a 3-credit course. This requirement will not apply to international DBA students studying exclusively online.

Admission Counselor

Connect with your admission counselor.

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