Study Format
- On Campus
- Cohort Format
Program Length
- 30 Credit Hours
Application Deadlines
Domestic Students
Summer 2025 Completed Application Due | Classes Start May 5, 2025
Features and benefits of the program
- This program prepares students for superintendent licensure in the State of Illinois.
- The Education Specialist (EdS) degree program is a post-master’s course of study that provides students an area of educational specialization with an emphasis on practice.
- Individuals who have already completed a master’s degree in education or related field are eligible to pursue an EdS. The amount of additional coursework necessary for an EdS degree after obtaining a master’s degree is about the same as that needed to get a second master’s degree.
- The EdS degree provides an avenue to advance a career in education but does not require a dissertation.
- Students in the EdS program are eligible for financial aid.
What does completing the program qualify one to do?
- EdS degrees in Educational Leadership qualify individuals for superintendent and principal administrator positions. While principal positions generally only require a master’s degree, many individuals seeking a principal position will obtain an EdS.
- Individuals seeking program coordinator and department director positions may obtain an EdS in order to gain a competitive edge in terms of qualifications compared to someone with only a master’s degree.
Moving from the EdS to a Doctoral Program
The EdS program is designed for students pursuing a superintendent endorsement who do not desire to earn a doctorate at this time. If at a later time the student wishes to earn a doctoral degree, the 30 hours (ten classes) in the EdS Education Specialist program may be applied to a doctorate in Educational Leadership as follows:
- To complete an EdD program, the student would need an additional 31 credit hours (10 classes) and a dissertation.
- To complete a PhD program, the student would need an additional 37 credit hours (12 classes) and a dissertation.
Program Information
The EdS Education Specialist program requires ten (10) courses, constituting a total of 30 credit hours.
On-campus classes
These seven, eight-week courses must be taken in face to face format. An Electronic Portfolio is required for selected assignments from each of these courses.
- Strategies of Educational Leadership
- School/District Improvement Using Data Analysis
- Policy Analysis
- Managing Illinois School District Finances
- Supervisory Theory and Practice
- Managing Legal and HR Resources Issues
- Ethics for Educational Leaders
Off-campus internships
These three 16-week internship courses are taken in school settings. Electronic Portfolio assignments are a required component of the internship experience.
- Superintendent Internship I: Superintendent as Instructional Leader
- Superintendent Internship II: Superintendent as Change Agent
- Superintendent Internship III: Superintendent as HR and Resources Manager
Admission Counselor
Connect with your admission counselor.