Study Format
- Online
- On Campus
Program Length
- 12 Credit Hours
- 12 Months
Application Deadlines
Domestic Students
Summer 2025 Completed Application Due | Classes Start May 5, 2025
The Trauma and Resiliency in Teaching and Learning certificate* program provides students the opportunity to engage in coursework that considers how to meet the needs of students experiencing trauma and to cultivate communities of resiliency in our community. Develop an understanding of stakeholder leadership and effective stakeholder advocacy.
*Please note: This certificate does not lead to a PK-12 teaching license.
EDU-6760: Social and Emotional Needs of the Gifted Learner (3 hours)
Students will examine research, demonstrate understanding and develop teaching practices that address the social and emotional growth of gifted and talented learners. In addition, students will investigate the influence and impact of family, teacher, peers, and other stakeholders on gifted learners.
EDU-6770: Trauma-Informed Pedagogy (3 hours)
This course focuses on best practices in trauma-informed pedagogy to address the needs of students experiencing trauma, which can interfere with learning and interpersonal relations. This course explores the impact of the following dimensions of trauma on children – social, emotional, physical, and academic.
EDU-6775: Creating Trauma-Sensitive Environments (3 hours)
This course explores how to create learning environments that are sensitive and responsive to trauma. To do so, the course looks at professional development and other kinds of support teacher leaders can draw upon, as well as how to bring families and the wider community into this work. Finally, this course attends to the needs of teachers and staff who may experience secondary trauma. Prerequisite: B or higher in EDU-6770.
EDU-6780: Social Emotional Learning and Resilience (3 hours)
This course focuses on social-emotional learning instructional strategies and curriculum to address students experiencing high levels of stress so that it interferes with learning and interpersonal relations. Candidates will learn best practices related to social-emotional learning and how to create classroom communities that support resiliency in students.
Admission Counselor
Connect with your admission counselor.