Any CUC student with a documented disability has the opportunity to request reasonable and appropriate accommodations to provide access to courses, programs, activities, and housing offered by the University. Students with a documented disability seek accommodations in order to make sure they have equal access to both educational opportunities and on-campus residential opportunities. The coordination of disability services is a component of CULearn: Academic Support located in CC248.

Concordia University Chicago recognizes and supports the standards set forth in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and similar state laws (hereinafter “applicable law[s]"), which are designed to eliminate discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities. A qualified student may be approved for reasonable and appropriate accommodations or adjustments to the learning environment that will facilitate the student's access to their educational program.

Concordia University Chicago does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed or religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability. The University seeks to provide an environment where each person may develop academically, socially and spiritually. Concordia University Chicago is committed to making reasonable accommodations for qualifying students with disabilities as required by the applicable laws.

Any student with a disability that substantially limits one or more major life activities or participation in programs of the university is eligible to request accommodations. This includes undergraduate, graduate, and Accelerated Degree Program (ADP) students.

Examples of learning accommodations:

  • Extended time for testing and separate testing area
  • Permission to audio-record class sessions
  • Extended time for testing and separate testing area
  • Permission to audio-record class sessions 
  • Preferential seating
  • Access to presentations
  • Extensions for specific assignments

Examples of housing accommodations:

  • Air conditioning in residence hall
  • First-floor room in residence hall
  • ADA-accessible room
  • Medical single

Application Process 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Students with disabilities should contact the Academic Support Coordinator as soon as possible. This will ensure that the student has enough time to gather adequate documentation of his/her disability. Accommodations cannot be implemented unless the student has finished the intake process. All students are encouraged to contact the Academic Support Coordinator at least 2 months prior to the start of the semester that they plan to enroll. And all returning students who have approved accommodations are required to contact the coordinator to establish accommodations each semester.

There are many differences.  For example, in college the student is responsible for self-identifying and applying for accommodations.  Please refer to the “High School vs. College” table below to briefly learn more about the differences of receiving accommodations between high school and college.

Yes, you MUST complete and submit an "Application for Accommodations" form as well as the "Medical Disability Documentation" form and/or the "Mental Health Disability Documentation" form completed by a licensed medical provider. You may submit a copy of your IEP or 504 Plan, but it is not required and is not sufficient documentation by itself.

Students should not assume that accommodations provided in high school will also be given in college. Also, in high school some IEP’s contained modifications as well as accommodations.  College course expectations and objectives differ from that of high school and therefore, accommodations implemented may differ in college.  The college provides reasonable accommodations and does not modify course content or objectives; accommodations are provided to ensure equal access.

Examples of possible classroom accommodations are: extended time on exams and quizzes, quiet room for testing, use of a digital recorder in class, and peer note-taker in class. Accommodations can vary based upon needs and type of disability.

If you feel you have a disability, it is best to have an evaluation during your junior/senior year of high school. If you have graduated or the high school will not provide the re-evaluation, you should meet with a qualified professional in your local area. Costs incurred for obtaining appropriate documentation are the responsibility of the student and are not provided by the college.

If you have questions, you may want to talk to your insurance (your private insurance MAY cover it), and a licensed medical doctor/psychologist/psychiatrist who can do the testing (or knows someone who can).


  • Education is a RIGHT and must be provided in an appropriate environment to ALL individuals.
  • School district is responsible to identify a student's disability.
  • School district provides free testing, evaluation and transportation to program.
  • School district develops the Individualized Education Plans (IEP) to define educational services.
  • Through the school district the IEP Team determines all IEP supports and services that will be provided.
  • Fundamental alteration of programs and curricula are required.
  • Personal services for medical or physical disability are required.


  • Education is NOT a RIGHT. Students must meet certain admissions criteria defined under ADA as "otherwise qualified."
  • Students must SELF-IDENTIFY with The Center for Accessibility and Resource for Excellence.
  • Student must provide current and appropriate documentation. The student is responsible for all costs related to evaluation of the disability.
  • NO IEP is developed in college, as there is no special education.
  • The student is responsible to activate the approved services at the start of each semester.
  • No fundamental alterations are required.
  • No personal services are required.